August 5: "Glacier tongues"

A small drizzle on the roof of the tent in the middle of the night but dawn without wind and simply cloudy. We again rolled with breathtaking landscapes on our left: green mountains then glacier tongues in the distance which rather quickly became increasingly closer. In 1996 a volcanic eruption took place underneath, Vatnajökull, the ice and snow cap which nourishes these glaciers. 3 cubic km of this cap melted and a few days later, the ice which retained all this huge mass of water gave way creating a cataclysmic river which bulldozered everything on its way to the sea and in particular 10 km of the n° 1 road including it's bridges. All of south eastern Iceland was consequently isolated from the rest of the country until a new road could be built.

An immense moraine showed up far away on our left. Gradually we could see it ever more precisely and at one point we had the impression that it was only a few minutes' walk away from the road. A mistaken impression of course. After 35 km of steady pedalling, hunger and fatigue became ever more perceptible and we therefore decided to stop to eat and rest but no parking lot. Not even a sign post in sight against which we could lean our machine. We had to continue another 7 km before finding a commemorative stone against which we propped our bicycle and sat down for a nourishing rest. During this life saving pause, the sun graced us with an appearance accompanied by a encouraging tail wind. Paradise on earth on a lunar landscape!

Between Skaftafell
and Kirkjubaejarklaustur
Glacier rivers' delta
Picnic beside the road
Volcanic sand


Vatnajökull ice
cap glaciers
Part of a bridge destroyed by the '96 flood


